Wednesday, February 23, 2005

Nature's Best Food

An LA Times article draws attention to a health scare today. It's about breast milk. Nature provides an excellent food source for babies that has been the focus of breast feeding advocates for years. It helps build the immune system. It has all the nutrients a baby needs. Granted those are some very good benefits. HOWEVER, breast milk - in samples taken nationwide - has been shown to have high levels of a chemical found in rocket fuel. Levels higher than those found in cows' milk. The levels are such that a one month old baby can have health problems associated with his/her thyroid by consuming breast milk tainted with this chemical.

I called my daughter as soon as I read the story. We have a six month old granddaughter. She is cute as a button. She's very healthy and doesn't breastfeed. She hasn't had a drop of breast milk because her mom had some medical problems making breastfeeding impossible. Her mom has been made to feel, in circles of other mothers, to be "less than" a good mother. She gets the nod, the oh, the simple "oh my goodness" facial expression when she explains she doesn't breastfeed. I called her to tell her that now she can feel better about not feeding her child rocket fuel, and choosing to use just plain old soy formula.

Tessa Ann

While I make light of the subject, it really isn't funny. If you know a mother who is currently breastfeeding, please direct her to this LA Times (registration required) story. It may not affect all babies, but it may make a difference in the life of someone's little one.

By the way, I may occasionally use articles from places that require registration. If you don't want to register, but still want to read the article, go to They'll give you a sign-on name and password to use in lieu of registration.