Sunday, April 09, 2006

Lavendar and Ivory

Lavendar and Ivory
Originally uploaded by foodchronicles.
This is cake 2 of four. The bride wanted a simple design with lavendar ribbon borders. Easily done.

This is cake number one. We didn't like it but it's what the bride requested. We were just hoping we could have put the little dots on all three layers to add some continuity.

2nd cake of the weekend

This was everyone's favorite. S'mee came to do the scroll work. It is so easily done for her. She shrugs her shoulders and says, "it's so easy, I don't know why everyone is so impressed." Well, yeah we could have done it. But it would have taken us twice as long. With four cakes to do, we we very glad she was there! We smoothed it and got it ready for decoration and borders. S'mee did the rest.
Another shot

Here's a close-up.
Close up of s'mee's work

The fourth cake wasn't photographed because we had to finish it on site. Pics will be available some time next week for it.
