Monday, January 17, 2005

Happy National Customer Service Day!

Well, along with it being Martin Luther King Day. For all of you lucky enough to work in an industry where you get to have MLK day off, enjoy your day, and remember work for a righteous cause is never insignificant.

My customer service tribute today has to go to John Campbell of Central Market (HEB) Texas. Central Market is THE best place to shop! If you want it (and CM doesn't carry it already) they'll get it for you. They have premium seafood, meat, vegetables, gourmet foods, candies. They have an excellent wine cellar and cigar section. Central also has an excellent "Cafe on the Run".

The reason for my choice to hold John as the shining example of customer service is this: Central Market's hours are from 9 a.m. to 9 p.m. daily. Customers will occasionally show up earlier (7:30 a.m.) and John's attitude is "if they want to buy something let 'em in. It's not going to hurt us, to sell something before 9 a.m." This is the way the entire program works at Central. The partners are empowered to do wht they need to satisfy a customer. It is an excellent model for any retailer to "steal" and use for themselves.

Good Job Central Market. I just wish you were in California!