Sunday, September 11, 2005

Amazing utterly amazing!

I was visiting a favorite place today, Design Sponge. I love, love, love her blog! There are always great places to click on and interesting stories to explore. If you haven't visited there, definitely go!

Today I'm linking to a story from her for my daughter. She just moved to Idaho and is bored out of her mind! You see, she is a California girl. Born, bred and wed! She is having a dificult time adjusting to the slower pace of life. I have reassured her life is good where ever you are and you need to get out and take some pictures! She is an avid photographer and loves to see things with new eyes. She is also my petit ami with whom I converse in french. Well, she does most of the conversing...

This one's for you mon ami: Minimiam. Why do I post this on a food blog? Well, you must click on the link. This link will take you to some of the most incredible food photography I have ever seen! They have taken creativity to an entirely different arena! Go there now! I cannot stop smiling!

Update!: Welcome NotMartha visitors! Got in, and thank you for the link. The post on m&ms is two posts down. Kick the tires a bit and leave a comment or two! Thanks! ;-)