Sunday, April 08, 2007

Thinking Bloggers

I was paid quite a compliment by Melissa of Book Nut fame. She hand picked me in her post about thinking bloggers. I have to say thank you! I'm glad someone out there (quite a few someone's thank you!) finds me to be a critical thinker at times.

Evidently there are those out there who are trying to define the thinking bloggers in the blogosphere. I have been chosen to represent the food bloggers. Yay. I am not a regular food blogger. I guess it's because of my place in the industry. I spend my time behind the scenes getting myself grimy and leave all the fun posts about what dinner or an outing was serving for others. Don't get me wrong those are the fun blogs! Those people actually have a followership to speak of. On the other hand, if I get you to think about the how and why of food I've made a friend and made a difference. Posts have been sporadic lately, but that is going to improve, I promise.

I do love reading thinking bloggers and yes, Melissa, I would count you as one! Your book reviews have led to me the library on more than one occasion.

Thinkers don't always look like thinkers though. Sometimes those erudites that like to think they're thinkers are just wolves in sheep's clothing. They spout off about this or that and don't really make a case for reading them. I like thinkers that are also human beings. Those people who think deeply, yet live everyday lives just trying to pay the bills and make it to the end of the month with money. Yep those kinds.

One of my favorites just passed away in fact. Cathy Seipp has been blogging forever. I've been reading her for 4 years or more. She was a right wing blogger who also wrote for the National Review Online. Her column "From the Left Coast" was a favorite of mine. Mostly because she was from Los Angeles, but also because she was a conservative woman living in LA and was wild and crazy too! I loved her style. She just passed away on the 21st of March from Lung Cancer. She was not a smoker. And from her travail with cancer I learned some things I didn't know before. I learned that half of the people that die from lung cancer never smoked. I also learned that lung cancer kills more people than any other form of cancer. What I learned most though, is that life is meant to be lived. That in the face of intense fear you can still live, make a difference and love. Cathy leaves her daughter, a freshman at UCSD this year, and her mother and a myriad of friends behind. I will miss her writing. She was a thinking blogger for certain.

Other thinking bloggers would include S'mee. She doesn't think of herself as a thinking blogger, but she thinks about the good stuff. How life's injustices affect us, and why thinking about the hard questions is an important thing to do. In fact, I think this post should be sent to every family court judge nationwide.

Then there's Stephen. Stephen writes in a way that allows each of us to think. He takes you places you don't especially want to go sometimes, but it is always worth the effort.

Other thinkers I enjoy are Tony, Mike, and Kirsty. I know plenty of other of you that think, think, think all the time. If you want to be included, just add yourself to the list and let us know. Also if you've been tagged they've got a button to add to your sidebar.